Samcart Review – Is it 100% Worth to Buy or Not?

Samcart Review


SamCart is a web-based checkout platform that helps you sell more and make more money. Brian and Scott began making the software in 2013. Moran, and has since grown to be the best shopping cart in its field.

I feel you. Researching a product before buying it can be hard and take a lot of time. To help you, I’ve put together a detailed review of SamCart that is up-to-date for your ecommerce needs in 2022.

SamCart is one of the most popular places for people to sell online services and digital products. With SamCart, people who make digital products like online courses, membership sites, eBooks, consulting, and more can easily manage and sell them.

So, now you know. In this review, we’ll look at the current state of this popular cart and decide if it’s worth buying or not. competes well with other products.

Samcart Review

Samcart Review – Who can use SamCart?

Anyone who sells things online should use SamCart. Courses, events, books, and seminars are all examples of digital products. You could also use it to sell services on your website, like consulting services.

But, like all shopping cart software, it’s made for a certain type of user, so it won’t be the best choice for everyone.

Read on to learn about the different features based on whether you sell information products, software, memberships, or services. functionality of SamCart so you can decide if it’s the best shopping cart for you or not.

Samcart Review – How it works?

Here are the exact steps that SamCart takes you through to help you sell your products online:

Add a new product (digital or physical)
Choose the payment plan you want (either a one-time payment, payment plan, or subscription)
Choose the checkout page template you want. SamCart’s templates are great and have been shown to increase sales.
Change the checkout pages so they look like your site and brand.
Add upsells, create coupons, split-tests, etc.

SamCart is for people who want to set up a shopping cart quickly and easily. You can be up and running in less than half an hour. I set up everything in about 20 minutes, but I think that’s because I watched a few YouTube videos about it first.

Samcart Review – Features

One-Click Upsells

When I told my friends I was going to write a review of SamCart, they said I should talk about how great their one-click upsells are, and I agree.

If you sell online and don’t offer upsells, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. In fact, in 2006, Amazon said that its efforts to sell more were responsible for 35% of its income. If Amazon is making that much money off of it, don’t you think you should look into it?

An upsell is a way to increase the average value of each order. You probably come across upsells every day and don’t even realize it. You don’t have to buy an extended warranty for your car, but people who don’t want to worry about repairs can. After dinner, you don’t HAVE to have dessert, but most restaurants like to offer it.

Continuing with the dessert example, those little $8 cakes aren’t a lot of money, but if you’re a restaurant that sells dozens of them every night, the money adds up.

SamCart makes this easy by letting you offer upsells where all the customer has to do to buy your offer is click one button. They say that when SamCart users use one-click upsells, their average customer value goes up by a huge 68.1%.

Checkout Pages

One of the coolest things about SamCart is that it has 18 professionally designed templates that have been shown to convert. I don’t think ALL of the templates are that great, but I do like most of them. The classic one is my favorite.

The biggest benefit is that other successful marketers have already used the templates, so you don’t have to spend hours designing and testing your own pages.

All of the templates have trust elements like testimonials, guarantees, and security reassurances that give your customers the peace of mind they need to increase your conversions.

Once you choose your checkout page, it’s easy to change the colors of the header, footer, buttons, and other parts of the page. You can also choose which fields to include and add custom bullet points to describe the product your customer is buying. I’ve found bullet points to be especially helpful, which is why they’re on all of my sales pages.

All of the pages are mobile-friendly, which is very important in a world that is becoming more and more mobile. One reason I switched to SamCart was because my old checkout page provider wasn’t as responsive as I wanted it to be.

Google AdWords is where I do most of my advertising, and most of my traffic comes from mobile devices. I found that people were leaving my old shopping cart more often, which meant that my advertising money was going down the drain. SamCart helped me increase the number of sales I made from my phone.

Plus, they have a cool “sandbox” mode that lets you test everything to make sure it works before putting your product on the market. With my old shopping cart, I had to test everything after it was published. I didn’t like doing that. With SamCart, I can test payments before they go live and before your credit card is charged (and messing up your stats).

Cross Selling Bumps

Cross-selling is a way to sell products that are similar to ones that a customer already owns. Cross-selling would be selling car insurance or gas to a customer who just bought a car from you.

You may already know this as “bundling.” When you bundle the main product with other items that go with it, you can make more money from each sale. McDonald’s is very good at this because it sells fries and drinks with its burgers.

One-Page Checkout

This feature is different because it lets you add more than one way to pay to a single checkout page. I use Teachable for my $997 online course, and even they don’t have this feature. If a customer wants a payment plan, I have to have separate checkout pages. I WISH I could do that with SamCart.

Multiple payments are taken to a whole new level by the one-page checkout, which keeps visitors on the page while they decide how to pay. If you’ve ever tried to sell something online, you know how important it is to keep people on your page.

A/B Testing

People talk about split testing their sales pages, opt-in pages, email subject lines, and much more. Isn’t that strange? They never talk about testing their checkout page, though. It sounds crazy, doesn’t it?

If you think that most of your potential customers are leaving your checkout page, don’t you think that a half-decent split test could help you get one more customer? I do too.

Lucky for us, SamCart allows us to do live split tests. This is a big deal in the world of shopping carts. If you have a 90% abandonment rate and split testing helps you get just one more customer, your sales will be doubled. Yes, TWICE AS MUCH. As simple as that.

You can change almost any setting in SamCart, so you can try out any variation that catches your eye. You can change the template, try a different guarantee (I’ve found that the longer the guarantee, the better), take out some fields (I’ve found that the less fields, the better), and more.

Once you’ve set up your variations, SamCart will test between them on its own. You don’t have to do anything but sit back and wait for the results. In the product’s settings, go to the “AB Test” section to see how the different versions are doing. Once you’ve chosen a winner, SamCart makes it easy to turn off the loser.

The price of your product is the only thing you can’t split-test with SamCart. If you want to do that, you will need to make two different products and test them against each other.

When it comes to A/B testing, I know from experience that you should test the big things first, like completely different templates, and then work your way down to the small details. Oh, and always wait until you have a sample size that is big enough to be statistically important before calling it a day.

Subscription Saver

When I first started selling subscriptions online, I was so naive that I thought everyone would always pay on time. I thought that if I could pay my bills and do what I was supposed to, so could everyone else.

I was so stupid. There are some real losers online, it turns out. People who refuse to pay for things or cancel their credit cards just to avoid paying. When this happens, most of the time your subscription income is gone. You can’t get your money without going to court or sending a demand letter (if you know where the customer lives). Sad.

But now, with SamCart, your subscriptions are protected from declined payments and credit cards that have already expired. SamCart sends an email to the customer on your behalf whenever a payment fails. The email has a link where the customer can update the payment they have on file right from their inbox. That means you don’t have to waste your time chasing after your customers.

SamCart automatically cancels a customer’s subscription if they don’t update their payment information after a few tries. SamCart puts them in your account as “delinquent,” so you know who they are and can try to get in touch with them.

Affiliate Center

When you sell things online, one of the best things is that you can get a whole army of affiliates to promote your products. You don’t have to spend time promoting your own products or money on ads. If you can find affiliates to help spread the word, you only have to pay them when they bring you a sale.

With SamCart’s Affiliate Center, you can build your own army of affiliates who will sell your products for you. SamCart makes an Affiliate Signup page for you automatically. This is where people can sign up to promote your products.

You’ll get a link to this page, so you can send it to potential affiliates, put it on your website, or send it to your email list. When a person on my email list hasn’t bought anything from me in a few months, I invite them to become affiliates. Hey, even if they don’t buy anything, I can still make money off of them.

When a possible affiliate fills out your application, they will see a message that their account is “pending approval.” When they do that, you’ll get an email telling you that they’ve applied. It will also have buttons to let the person know if their application was accepted or not. You can also set it up so that affiliates are automatically accepted if you want to.

By default, the affiliate commission for SamCart is 50%. But you can change this payout to be anything you want. You can pay your affiliates a flat rate commission or a percentage of each sale. I’ve had a lot of success by giving top-performing affiliates an incentive to sell even more by increasing their affiliate payout.

Integrations with SamCart

I didn’t get to connect SamCart to that many tools because I don’t use that many. I use OptinMonster, Drip, PayPal, and Stripe most of the time.

SamCart lets you easily connect to a number of tools, such as email, marketing automation, membership management, and payment processing. It was very easy for me to connect my whole system to SamCart, and I think most people would have the same experience.

I’ve been reading on different forums about how easy it was for people to connect Kajabi, Infusionsoft, Hubspot, MailChimp, Aweber, and more. But my toolbox isn’t very complicated, so I can’t go into detail about this in my SamCart review.

Samcart Review – Pricing

Launch – This is their basic plan, which costs $49 a month or $470 a year. This tier will help you test the water if you haven’t sold any of your product yet or if you want to convert people who don’t know you.

Grow – This plan has more features than the launch tier and costs $99 per month or $950 per year. Here, you can access advanced reports, subscription reminders (not dunning), order bumps, upsells, and other features that help you manage your customers better, get more conversions, and increase the value of each customer.

Scale – This should be your plan if you want to sell more and grow your business. It costs $199 a year or $1910 a year if you pay for it all at once. Here, you can use more advanced customer management tools like letting customers cancel their own orders. You can also use SamCart’s built-in A/B testing, cart abandonment, affiliate center, and dunning.

Samcart Review – Worth to Buy?

SamCart is well worth the money, in my opinion, because unlike most other shopping cart platforms, it has a lot of useful features and is designed to help you increase conversions, which in turn increases your bottom line.

As a marketer, you know how important it is to test your pages to make sure they get the most conversions. SamCart has done all the work for you to make sure you get the most money out of each sale.

So, if you use a standard checkout form and sell a $47 PDF on your website, you might not be able to add an upsell. But if you add an upsell to the same offer (using SamCart, of course), you might be able to sell an extra $60 product to 30% of your customers.

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